Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We Love Lucy!

"I just loved this picture of Lucy when I saw it, so I thought I would share it with you, her first family.

"I know you probably don't hear it enough, because the puppies can't say it, so I'll say it for them. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing what you do. Lucy is such a treasure to us and all her brothers. It lifts my spirits to see her romping in the back yard, running circles around her "old man" brother trying to make him play.

"If wonderful Agape volunteers hadn't saved Lucy and her litter-mates, and taken such good care of them until they could find their forever homes...well--MY life would be lesser because of it. I don't know that I could do what all of you do, and I want you to know how special it is and how much it means to those of us who benefit from it.

"God bless you all!!!!!!"

Stacey Hopwood
Clarksville, TN

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